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Mercury stations direct, while the Sun is conjunct Pluto today 🥵

We will finally start to feel like the fog has been lifted with Mercury stationing direct today, bringing with it more clarity of thought. Wherever you have felt stuck lately, you could start to experience some breakthroughs over the upcoming weeks, where solutions start to become more clear. Or you could find that plans have changed and things are not as important to you than you previously thought, shifting your energy and focus elsewhere.

Pay attention to anything that surfaces today that has to do with Plutonian themes, such as endings/beginnings, obsessions, secrets being revealed, deep transformations, power, control, etc., as something will be illuminated by the powerful conjunction today. Mercury stationing direct on the same day the Sun conjuncts Pluto says that whatever gets revealed could help propel you forward, bringing with it either a confirmation to keep going, or information that changes your course of action.

Mercury will remain at 8° Capricorn until the 22nd, so give yourself a little grace if you're still not feeling super motivated 💫

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Mars finally stations direct today after being retrograde since October 30. You may have noticed feeling tired or unmotivated during this retrograde, or maybe by this time you know what it is you want to go after, but you've just been feeling kind of like you're moving through mud with a ton of resistance.

When a planet stations direct, it appears to come to a full stop in the sky, and that in and of itself contains a lot of potent energy. Mars will be at 8° Gemini for the next almost 2 weeks, as Mars is taking it's sweet time turning around. It might take us a while to build up some momentum after this long retrograde, but once Mercury goes direct on the 18th, things will definitely start to pick up some speed again.

Use this time to get organized and start to take action, starting with baby steps. Notice and celebrate any small wins and signs of forward progress. More motivation, drive, and clarity are on the way! Today could be a day of anxiety/ tension and frustrations with the shifting energy though, so just remember to breathe and count to 10 before responding 🧨

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Full Moon in Cancer 🦀

January 6th • 5:08pm CST • 16°

The moon is almost full, and it will be an interesting and probably emotional next couple of days. Cancer full moons tend to shine a light on our feelings around security and emotional support, so you can expect strong emotions to come up today. Maybe something you thought you were over comes back up again with the moon opposite Mercury retrograde, or maybe you're just feeling a little nostalgic. You can also expect heightened sensitivity to your surroundings and the people around vou as well.

Take some time to really listen to your instincts today, do your favorite self-care activities that help vou best nurture yourself. That could be journaling, taking a bath, cooking your favorite comfort meal, or being around loved ones. This will be a very cathartic, and possibly even a liberating full moon, so take the time to really tune in and listen to what your body needs today.

We are in the middle of Capricorn season, so we might be feeling more hermit-like, especially with 3 planets retrograde (2 of which are directly connected with this full moon-opposite Mercury rx, sextile Uranus r×). Retrogrades usually indicate a time of more introspection, so take some time to reflect on your emotions and maybe try to understand them better today, whether that be through journaling, meditation, etc.

You may also find yourself naturally releasing today as well. Don't force yourself to cry or anything, but keep in mind release comes in many forms. So that might be crying, maybe you choose to scream into a pillow, or have a good laugh, or maybe you decide to donate a bunch of clothes. It could show up in a multitude of ways, but the point is to let go of something that is no longer serving you to make more room for the things you do want to bring into your life.

While full moons are about releasing, they're also about things coming to fruition, so look back on any intentions you were setting on the new moon in Cancer back on June 28th, as you might be noticing some of those starting to materialize.

Be extra gentle with yourself today and allow what comes up, to be what it is 🌝

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