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December 12th, 5:32pm CT, 20*40' Sagittarius

Today we have a New Moon in Sagittarius, bringing with it a feeling of hope. I don't know about you, but things have been feeling kind of bleak lately, so this energy brings with it something we all need right now.

  • It's important right now to look for hope, look to the positive changes that are happening, look to the people that are banding together to raise awareness and bring much-needed changes, and as always, continue to look to the helpers

  • Sagittarius is known for its optimism, so the energy might feel a little lighter today, maybe even a little buoyant 

  • This new moon brings with it an opportunity to peer into the future with a sense of hope and possibility; peeking through a door that opens to unexplored experiences you are yet to have in this life

    • With Sagittarius, it feels like anything is possible-we can go anywhere and do almost anything

  • With Mercury in Capricorn sextile Venus in Scorpio, this has a way of bringing those huge, big Sagittarian dreams and ambitions down to earth, almost like a little reality check.

    • It allows us to dream, but in a more practical way

    • This is a time to really ask yourself what it is that you truly want and what matters most to you

  • It's no coincidence that two weeks ago during the Gemini full moon, our thought patterns were illuminated and we were asked to release those unhelpful thoughts and stories we have about ourselves and to change our perceptions 

  • With Sagittarius, this is all about our beliefs

    • A belief is just a thought or story you've told yourself over and over and over, and it gained traction until you believed it to be true, and these beliefs we have about ourselves, other people, and the world can be helpful or harmful.

    • So with this new moon, it gives us the opportunity to rewrite and replace those limiting beliefs with expansive beliefs 

      • Where do these limiting beliefs come from? Are they true? If not, why do you still listen to them?

      • The first step is in the noticing of what they are, catching them, and then replacing them with a belief that is more helpful 

      • You might not believe these new thoughts at first, but when you think a thought over and over and over and over and over, it slowly becomes a belief

    • This is how we retrain and rewire the brain!

  • Mars is in a loose conjunction to this new moon, energizing it, urging us to take action on the things that we deeply care about and believe in. 

    • Whether that means looking into resources that are available, joining organizations, writing/calling your representatives, getting involved, speaking out 🍉

    • The key is taking action! Don't just sit and think about it.

  • The Square to Neptune can make things feel a little foggy or uncertain, like maybe we have the dream, but we don't really know what the outcome could be of that or where we're going

    • The idea here is to just take that first step into the unknown

    • Sagittarius is known for its leaps of faith, and that's exactly what we need to do in order to go after our dreams

  • With Mercury stationing retrograde just 8 hours after this new moon, this is a good time to go into planning mode.

    • Set those new moon intentions today, then during this 2 week retrograde period, it will be a good time to introspect and create a game plan for these next 6 months

      • How are you going to take action on those intentions?

      • How are you planning and wanting to get involved?

  • A lot of times, when Mercury is retrograde, we feel like hibernating and slowing down

    • But we are not going into hibernation to avoid our dreams and hopes for the future, but instead, to use this time to rest and plan in order to build up that hope and strength as we enter 2024.

  • Remember, keep holding on to hope ❤️💚🤍🖤

Sagittarius New Moon Theme: (check rising)

  • aries: higher education, travel, philosophy, beliefs

  • taurus: transformation, alchemy, healing, joint resources

  • gemini: contracts & agreements, collaborations, 1:1 relations

  • cancer: work, health, service, daily routines & rituals

  • leo: creative self expression, romance, inner child

  • virgo: home, family, roots, ancestors, emotions

  • libra: communication, local community, siblings

  • scorpio: values, self worth, $$, all forms of security

  • sagittarius: sense of self, physical body, personal desires

  • capricorn: spiritual healing, subconscious, dreams

  • aquarius: networks, communities, hopes, aspirations, friends

  • pisces: higher calling, public image, reputation

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Updated: Dec 12, 2023

Gemini Full Moon, November 27th, 3:16am CT, 4*51

Over this weekend, you may have been feeling the intense waxing gibbous moon building up to the full moon, that goes exact on November 27 at 3:16am CT

  • Full moons typically signal a time of heightened emotions, and this one may feel particularly strong and dynamic as the sun is conjunct Mars in Sagittarius

  • This Gemini full moon is reminding us to be aware of the power of our thoughts and our words, as Gemini rules all things communication, including how we talk to ourselves

    • This lunation is inviting us to be more mindful and pay more attention to how our inner dialogue has a way of impacting our emotions, perceptions, and the way we communicate

  • With the Sun in Sagittarius and the Moon in Gemini, this is a time to get curious and ask all the right questions

  • Gemini is the curious communicator, where Sagittarius is the seeker and explorer

    • What connects these two is wanting to understand through learning and knowledge

    • Gemini understands through the perception of things, where Sagittarius understands through the experience of things

  • As Sagittarius is also the truth seeker of the zodiac, this is a time to be really honest with yourself

    • Take a look at where and how you may have been holding yourself back through the stories you keep repeating to yourself (go easy on yourself!! we all do this!)

    • Are these stories helpful? Are they true? Do they get in the way of you feeling more satisfied with life?

    • Where have you been underestimating yourself?

    • In what way can you change these stories so that they can help you change your perception of situations?

  • This Full Moon is really going to illuminate those stories you tell yourself. Remember: all things begin with a thought!

    • The thoughts we have impact our emotions, and also impact wether we do (or do not) take action

    • When we take action on a thought, starting with a plan, we then bring those thoughts/ideas into reality

  • So ask yourself, how do you treat yourself on the inside?

    • Instead of beating yourself up, and wishing you were better at something, take account for the things that you are good at and the things you like about yourself, and the things that you like to do

  • This full moon will be presenting us with the opportunity to see our potential pathways start to unfold, and it's up to you which story or path you want to choose

    • Keep in mind that there is no wrong decision! 

    • (also remember, not making a decision is a decision! And wouldn't you rather explore new paths and have new, expanding experiences à la Sagittarius than stay standing exactly where you are, and not have any new experiences?)

    • If you choose a path and halfway down the road you realize you don't really want to be taking this path anymore, the nice part is that you can branch off onto a different path if you want!

    • There is no wrong decision, each path brings new experiences, lessons, and opportunities for growth and expansion

  • The point is write a story for yourself that you want to live

  • Do your best to not to dwell on past mistakes, keep your eyes forward and on the pathways opening up in front of you

How to use this energy:

  • Get curious, about yourself and others

    • Write down your ideas

    • Read a good book that you have been meaning to read 

    • Meet up with people who you enjoy talking with

    • Ask all the questions

  • Explore, either physically or mentally

  • If you are presented with an opportunity, say yes! You never know where it might lead

  • Start looking up a resources (it's okay to ask for help!)

  • Start writing down a plan

  • Journal!

    • Ask yourself, where can I be just a little kinder to myself?

    • Where have I been selling myself short?

    • Where have I not been allowing myself to take up space?

    • What is a small change I can make, or what is a small step I can take, that brings me closer to a desired outcome?

  • Communicate clearly!

    • Gemini is the communicator, but communication is a two-way street, so make sure your words are clear, and also that they are being received as intended

  • As always, it is a full moon, so it is a time of release

  • How are you perceiving your own reality? Your reality exists only because of the way that you perceive it

    • If you can change your perspective on the exact same situation, circumstance, person, the reality of that thing changes

    • Release what parts of your reality do not suit you anymore!

  • Release old and unhelpful ways of thinking 

  • Write a new story for yourself. Be the main character of your own story and write a new pathway for yourself that moves you forward. (use the power of your words!)

Gemini Full Moon Theme: (check rising sign)

  • aries: communication, local community, siblings

  • taurus: values, self worth, $$, all forms of security

  • gemini: sense of self, physical body, personal desires

  • cancer: spiritual healing, subconscious, dreams

  • leo: networks, communities, hopes, aspirations, friends

  • virgo: higher calling, public image, reputation

  • libra: higher education, travel, philosophy, beliefs

  • scorpio: transformation, alchemy, healing, joint resources

  • sagittarius: contracts & agreements, contractual relationships

  • capricorn: work, health, service, daily routines & rituals

  • aquarius: creative self expression, romance, inner child

  • pisces: home, family, roots, ancestors, emotions

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New Moon in Scorpio 🦂 🦅

November 13 • 3:26am CT • 20°13'

After the intensity that was eclipse season, this New Moon in Scorpio is urging us to embrace the changes and transformations we've undergone recently.

  • New moons are great for intention setting as they signal new beginnings

  • Ask yourself, what have you been wanting to do for awhile but you just haven't put the energy into doing it yet?

  • This new moon will be particularly helpful for setting intentions to make long term changes that will allow you to live a more authentic life, and transform your life in a more intentional way.

  • Be open to new transformative opportunities and possibilities that present themselves, as this energy is very "expect the unexpected" so do your best to stay receptive

  • Some of Scorpio's themes have to do with overcoming self-limiting stories and beliefs, healing deep wounds from the past, and learning how to use our own power in constructive ways

Conjunct Mars 🔥

  • Mars in its home sign of Scorpio is incredibly strategic and excellent for long term planning and investment

  • Conjunct a new moon, Mars really energizes the regenerative aspect of Scorpio

    • We are being asked to take some sort of action, to have the courage to let go of something and reach for the next thing

  • Mars is what motivates us to go after the things that we want

    • If you have been feelings stuck, this energy provides a catalyst to help get things moving

  • This is not the time to wait for the universe to push you, this is the time to take aligned action and push yourself

    • The stars and planets don't make us do anything, we are the ones who make things happen here by tuning into that energy and flowing with it

Opposite Uranus ⚡️

  • Throwing Uranus into the mix brings the potential for some unpredictable energy, but it will nevertheless help us to breakdown and break through those walls and any blocks/limitations that we may have encountered recently

  • Uranus is the planet of un predictability, surprises, the planet touch shakes things up, but it is also the planet of inspiration, innovation, and new possibilities

  • Do your best to not luxuriate in the past as this energy is urging us to keep moving forward

  • This means stepping outside of your comfort zone and moving into new territory that supports your own growth and transformation

    • I like the snake, shedding its skin, sometimes you outgrow thoughts, people, or situations, and so you have to release those to move into a new space that supports your growth

How to best work with the energy

  • Set intentions for this new cycle in the area of life where you have 21° Scorpio

    • Get really specific and get a plan in place

    • Do research and strategize

  • Ground yourself

  • Connect with the water element

    • Take an Epsom salt, bath or shower

    • Epsom salt is great for grounding and clearing energy

    • Visualize the water cleansing your aura

  • Practice divination

    • Consult your tarot or oracle decks

  • Journal

    • Take time to really dig deep and figure out what it is that you truly want

      • Not what your friends want or what society wants or what your family wants, what do you want to make out of your life?

    • What is a habit that is holding you back or preventing you from growing and moving forward?

    • If there was one thing you would want to change in yourself, what might that be?

    • What is a small change you can make today that will get you closer to your goals?

As always, sending all the best energy,

Mystic Mackenzie

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