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Mercury goes retrograde in Capricorn from December 29-January 18, giving us some time to reflect on the year and get ready for the upcoming year.

What worked well this year? What didn't? How can you get more organized? What do you need to do for xyz to happen? These are a few questions you can ask yourself during these next few weeks. This is usually the time where people do year-end reviews reflecting on the previous year anyway, so this mercury retrograde really supports this kind of reflection as well. It might also be beneficial to reflect on Capricorn themed things like your career, traditions, family, responsibilities, personal boundaries, and the kinds of foundations and structures that you have in place in your life.

Remember, retrogrades are not a bad thing!! They give us a chance to reflect and readjust, especially on things that may be built on unstable foundations. Retrogrades also give us a time to see things from a different perspective while also giving us the time to really start planning and breaking things down into smaller steps to help you reach your goals in a more realistic way. Ask yourself what is really worth your time and energy?

This energy is not super supportive of taking on too much responsibility or laying down any sort of groundwork, as anything that gets started during a retrograde usually has to be re-done or reworked later on. Do use this energy to plan and research though, and with it conjunct Venus on the 29th, it might be a good time to reassess your values as well.

The house that you have 8°-24° Capricorn in is the area of life where you will be most affected by this retrograde, but again retrogrades are not bad! My advice is to take this time to rest and recharge, really going within, and listen to your own inner guidance and voice of authority as you know yourself best 🪐

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Happy Solstice ❄️

A time for stillness, darkness, and going within. On the longest night of the year, with a waning moon, it might seem darker than usual. I guess that's the thing about being in the dark though, it feels like you'll never see the light again sometimes. When the sun goes down at night, we trust and have hope that the sun will rise in the morning and the light will return once again. The solstice is a reminder that when we hit our darkest point, there will always be light on the other side. And that's the promise of the winter solstice, it may seem especially dark right now, but it's also a turning point where the light will slowly start returning to us. Always have hope that the light will come back around. 🕯️

Jupiter enters Aries early on December 20th and will be moving quickly through this sign through May 2023.

Expansive, fun-loving Jupiter in the fiery and excitable sign of Aries will help us take more initiative after spending the last few months in dreamy Pisces. We've done the dreaming and now it's time to take some inspired action. For this transit, you can expect to see people taking bigger and bolder moves, feeling more confident, and wanting to put themselves out there more, especially after Mars goes direct on January 12th. Jupiter in Aries has the energy of taking the leap of faith into new beginnings ~with enthusiasm~. Of course the problem with this is that it can be reckless at times and not as well thought out. It brings the energy and motivation to start new things and show off what you've got, while also keeping in mind that not everything will always work out in your favor. Win big or lose big. Either way both are learning experiences, and Jupiter is all about gathering experience and wisdom, and we will definitely be gaining an expanded understanding of ourselves through these experiences over these next five months ☄️

Jupiter was in Aries from May 10 through October 28 of 2022, so pay attention to some of those themes that came up during that time as that was kind of a little taste of this Jupiter in Aries transit.

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