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April 5th • 11:34pm CDT • 16°7’

Libra is the sign of fairness, justice, balance, and beauty, so, with this full moon energy, you might start to feel how the scales have been tipped, but the aim is always to restore balance, to make things fair, just, and equal again. We may be asked to release old wounds and stories that we cling to about ourselves that no longer fit the narrative of our life, so that we can move forward feeling lighter.

This full moon has the potential to bring some healing energy, as it is shining a light on Chiron and Jupiter. It could be showing us parts of ourselves that still need healing or maybe you have a realization that you’ve done a lot of the healing work and things that used to hurt, don’t hurt as bad anymore.

If there is an area of life that you have been neglecting, you may find that you are forced to face that area of life. If you’ve been giving too much of yourself away, you may find that you need to take some time for yourself. Be honest with yourself, and maybe take some time to reflect on that.

Where are you giving too much? Where are you taking too much? Where are you doing too much? Where aren’t you doing enough? It’s natural for us to become unbalanced at times in life, don’t blame or scold yourself, just take note. What’s important is coming back to center and trying to rebalance those scales, weighing and measuring what stays and what goes.

Pay attention to what is revealed to you during this full moon. Ask yourself how your actions and decisions could be impacting others and your relationships. It’s a time to release relationships and judgments that no longer serve your growth. Where are you feeling the push to create greater balance in your own life?

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Pluto left Capricorn today, entering Aquarius for the first time since 1778!!

Pluto will only be at 0° of Aquarius for about 11 weeks before it retrogrades back into Capricorn again on June 11th. This is Pluto just testing the water a bit by dipping it’s toe into Aquarius. Think of this as a sneak preview or brief introduction into the Pluto in Aquarius transit, followed by a second preview in early in 2024, before finally diving all in and entering Aquarius for good in November 2024 where it will remain through 2044!

This is going to be an interesting time for humanity as a whole, as Aquarius is the sign of the humanitarian. This is also the first time in history that we as humans get to observe this Pluto transit through Aquarius in real time, as Pluto was only just discovered in 1930. It is interesting though that Saturn spent the last 2.5 years moving through Aquarius, in a way kind of paving the way for Pluto. With this initial sneak peek into the Pluto in Aquarius time period, we are just getting a little glimpse as to what to kind of expect going forward.

Pluto being the planet of forced evolution, themes around power, control, equal rights and opportunities, deep transformations, and things being unearthed and brought to the surface, could all start to come up and we’ll notice a shift from how its been in the past.

What to possibly expect:

  • Social changes that impact everyone

  • Huge changes with how we use technology

  • More new and improved, innovative technology

  • AI laws and regulations

  • Things like global warming getting more serious and we will be forced to deal with it one way or another

  • A rise in humanitarian groups and humanitarianism

  • More space exploration

  • People realizing the importance of community

  • Marginalized groups and communities taking their power back

  • A shift in social norms

  • More people wanting to live in their truth and authenticity

  • Scientific breakthroughs

  • New inventions

Lots of things up on deck, get ready for some shakeups!

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Updated: Mar 22, 2023

New Moon in Aries 🐏

March 21st • 12:23pm CDT • 0°49’

Just hours after the sun ingressed into Aries yesterday, the moon follows along today forming the first new moon of this astrological year. It forms at 0° Aries, which is very significant on its own, but even more so considering all of the other transits happening this week! This signals the start of brand new cycles, new beginnings and a feeling of rebirth. Think of a baby fresh out of the womb, the energy is still very new and not yet fully formed, yet it somehow holds the energy of infinite potential. This new moon is similar to that, like the planting of a seed where the possibilities and potential directions of what could come of this seedling are seemingly endless.

We may be wanting to set intentions around forming a new identity of sorts, or setting fresh goals and forming new intentions for self discovery. What kind of person do you want to be? How do you want to grow and evolve going forward? Aries looks to the future and does not tend to dwell on the past, wanting to dive right in and take action by starting new things and blazing new trails asap. So it’s no coincidence that this rebirthing new moon is happening amidst all of the other changes and shifts happening during this time.

This moon brings with it a breath of fresh air and feeling of newness in the area of life where you have 0° Aries. This energy is supportive of setting intentions for more confidence, motivation, and the inspiration to go out and actually embody the person that you’re wanting to be. Don’t be afraid to dream big with this moon! Dare to take that leap of faith into the unknown ❤️‍🔥

Themes to focus on for you personally:
(Look to the house you have 0°49’ Aries in!)

1st house:

  • Get ready to set some new personal goals

  • Reflect on the image you want to put out into the world

  • Themes around your identity and sense of self could come up

2nd house:

  • Resources

  • Taking more innovative approaches to your finances

  • Themes around self love and self worth could come up

  • Reflect on the things that make you feel safe and secure

3rd house:

  • Communication

  • Writing or speaking

  • Take some time to journal today or speak your intentions out loud

4th house:

  • Family and ancestors

  • Your roots and foundation

  • Also your physical home

  • Take some time to tidy up your home today, making space for new, fresh energy to come in

5th house:

  • Creativity and art

  • Joy, fun and play

  • Do something creative or move your body today

  • Entertain and hang out with your inner child!

6th house:

  • Daily routines and habits

  • Work life and being of service

  • Feeling of health and wellness

  • Add in a new daily routine centered around self-care

7th house:

  • Commitments

  • Contractual relationships

  • Ask yourself how you want to show up in relationships with others going forward

8th house:

  • Transformations

  • Alchemy

  • Research

  • Joint resources

  • Do a candle ritual (safely!) and harnessed the fire element

9th house:

  • Travel

  • Higher learning

  • Expanding experiences

  • Dive into an area of study that you’ve been wanting to learn more about

10th house:

  • Your calling

  • Your reputation

  • Public image

  • Do some thing that puts yourself out there in some way

11th house:

  • Friends and acquaintances

  • Groups and communities

  • Hopes, dreams, and aspirations

  • Dream big with this new moon!

12th house:

  • Spiritual beliefs

  • How we heal

  • Take some time for some quiet meditation, maybe do a visualization meditation, reflecting on the person you want to be and journal on what comes up

Happy intention setting and Aries Season! ❤️‍🔥

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