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It's hard to know what could potentially come up during this next three-year transit as it feels like there are things that are yet to be revealed that could potentially change how this transit is expressed, and there are soo many ways this could go. We can really only look to previous transits of Saturn in Pisces to get a general idea, but each go around is obviously unique and very different from the previous.

Saturn is the planet of structure, stability and form and teaches us the value of hard work and responsibility, often known as the planet of discipline and boundaries as well. All of these are very different to the nature of Pisces. The watery sign knows no boundaries and prefers things to go with the flow and likes to dissolve into the ethers. So when Saturn enters Pisces, part of what they can both agree on is finding ways of being of service, especially to humanity as Pluto enters Aquarius two weeks later.

This will also be a great time for the arts, and we can expect great music and movies and other forms of artistic expression to come out of this transit. Saturn makes things tangible, so when in Pisces, Saturn may also try to give form to spirituality in some way. However, Saturn in Pisces definitely will not put up with lying or dishonesty of any kind, so a lot of the spiritual bypassing and pop spirituality that you see online will probably start to be exposed. Any kind of delusions or dishonesty will be brought into focus and make them selves be known.

This is going to be a time where we have to blend the ebb and flow nature of Pisces and know when to apply the structure and responsibility of Saturn. All of this depends on where are you have Pisces in your natal chart and if you have planets in there, as this will be the area of life where are you are being asked to bring more discipline and responsibility into your life over the next 3 years 🪐

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Full moon in Virgo 🌾

March 7th • 6:40am CST • 16°40

There is no denying that as humans living on this planet, we feel the effects of full moons, especially those of us who are more sensitive to energies. This full moon will make that even more evident as it makes a connection with the disruptive planet Uranus that could cause some shake ups just an hour before Saturn ingresses into Pisces for the first time in 26 years. This is big energy! The difference between Virgo and Pisces is ever present during this full moon, but they find common ground through their compassion. Virgo asks of us to use discernment and practicality to see things clearly, which is difficult when there's so much Pisces energy in the sky.

This is not a time to sweep things under the rug, we have to be willing to see things exactly as they are and not what we want them to be. With the connection to Uranus, sudden insight may dawn on you where you suddenly see things clearly. Then you can really use the illuminating and healing energy of this Virgo moon to see what needs to be released, healed, or cleansed out of your life on a soul-deep level to make room for new growth, ideas, and creativity. We may also be feeling more inclined to look at how our physical health affects our mental, emotional and spiritual health, and vice versa, because they are all so deeply connected.

With this being the last full moon of the astrological year, this is also a great moon for some self reflection and journaling/ looking back on the growth that has occurred over the past year. How can you better nurture yourself? Are there things, people, or old patterns taking up unnecessary space in your life? What have you outgrown as you move into this season of change? Where can you raise your standards and have better boundaries? Remember to use compassion when answering these questions.

This full moon is the kickstart to much of the change that is up on deck this month, so the theme of this full moon is releasing to make room for the changes coming up. I hope you will feel grounded and nourished by this full moon as you look up and forward to the new life being created ✨

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New Moon in Pisces 🐠

February 20th • 1:04am CST • 1°21’

After the Sun ingressed into Pisces yesterday, the moon joins along tonight to create for a dreamy night and following day. New moons are all about new beginnings and planting seeds of things you want to nurture and grow over the next months to come, and this really is a great manifesting moon to do so. Pisces deals with the imagination, compassion, a feeling of wholeness, and with the modern ruler of this moon being in its home sign, this could be a very spiritual new moon as well. We may be feeling more sensitive over the next couple of days, so try to channel that sensitivity in a creative way. Take a bath, practice mindfulness, listen to music, watch your favorite movies, dream journal, vision board to your heart's content. We may be feeling more introverted over these next couple of days depending on where you have Pisces in your chart, so allow yourself to listen to whatever your intuition is telling you to do. Look to where you have 1° Pisces as this is the area of life you want to focus on if you are trying to manifest anything specifically. Remember to be gentle with yourself and hydrate!

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