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August 30 • 8:36pm CT • 7°25'

Full Moon: what to expect

  • Intuition will be heightened

    • Remain open to receiving intuitive messages

  • Heightened emotions and sensitivity

    • Give yourself grace and compassion, feel whatever needs to come up, and then release it

    • Be aware that everyone is feeling this heightened state of emotions

    • Know that these emotions serve a purpose

      • They give us messages to let us know what we're feeling inside so we can process and express them

  • Vivid dreams

    • Pay attention to what they're telling you, look for the deeper meaning

  • Extremely healing energy

    • Releasing from a very deep space that will leave room for profoundly deep healing

  • What are you finally ready to let go of once and for all?

    • Who do you want to emerge as?

So much retrograde!!

  • This releasing will be internal that will effect your external world

  • We are in a time of going within, doing internal reflection, reviewing, releasing and revision

    • If you are resisting this energy, it will still happen! But will be more uncomfortable

    • Release the resistance and go with the flow

  • People from the past, all the situations and lessons from the past will keep coming up until they are released

  • Use this time to get to know yourself a little bit better

    • Journal

    • Meditate

    • Be Still

    • Slow down

    • Cocoon

    • Take time to cut out distractions and be in the silence

    • Disconnect a little bit to reconnect with yourself

It's a "Super Moon":

  • It's closer to Earth, so it will appear larger and brighter than usual

  • So it's energy will be felt more viscerally because it's so close

  • Extra potent energy

  • Lots of releasing

Conjunct Saturn

  • Reality checks, lessons

  • What reality do you need to face that you can no longer ignore?

  • Consequences of actions

  • Take responsibility for yourself

  • Not a time to play the victim

Rituals and activities:

  • Releasing ritual

  • Meditation

  • Visualization

  • Salt bath

  • Intuitive writing

  • Connecting with nature

  • Reiki and other energy work

  • Deep cleanse

  • Don't resist any endings occurring

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August 23 — September 15, in Virgo from 21°51’ — 8°00’

Mercury in its home sign of Virgo (mutable earth):

  • Changeable

  • Healing

  • Service

  • Analysis

  • Keen perception

  • Very precise

  • Organization and order

  • Refining, editing, making things better

  • Technician

  • Compassion

Can be:

  • Nitpicking

  • Perfectionist

  • Over thinking, very hard on self

  • Critical

Mercury Retrograde:

  • It’s a good time to pause and get organized

    • Finally do the chores and paperwork that you have been avoiding

  • Do some reflecting

    • Journal to get more clear on a path

  • A time to go within, internal processing

    • A time to absorb and process all of the things we have experienced over the last few months

    • Focus that attention inward

  • Learn the art of patience

    • Be prepared for the typical mercury retrograde shenanigans:

      • Miscommunications

      • Mental fogginess

      • Lost messages

      • Technology issues

      • Travel delays

      • Little frustrations

    • (mercury only brings small annoyances, mercury is the trickster!)

  • Redoing things that could use improvement, making them better

    • A good time for do-overs and edits

    • Refining things

  • Revisiting old projects or situations

    • During this time we will have a new perspective

  • Reorganizing our lives

    • Make a system that is more efficient and effective that fits better with your daily schedule

    • Improving your daily routines

  • Rest and restore

    • With 5 (soon to be 6) planets retrograde, things will definitely feel more slowed down

    • Take advantage of this time and allow yourself the time to rest and recharge

  • Rethink things

    • Ask yourself if certain things or situations are really worth your time

  • Reconnect with the earth and nature and ground yourself

    • Virgo is an earth sign after all!

    • Take some time to tend to your garden, sit with your back against a tree, or lay in some grass

  • Double check everything!

  • Sort through and clear out the clutter taking up space in your mind

    • Dusting away the useless information that takes up space, clearing away the cobwebs in the corners

  • Not a time to make any major decisions or commitments yet!

  • It’s also a good time to look at your habits and your daily routines and really reflect on if they are helping you move forward or wasting time

    • Reflect on your day today life and look at any areas that could be improved

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Aquarius Full Moon

August 1 • 1:31pm CT • 9°15’

August starting off with a dramatic full moon in Aquarius, a very cerebral sign (which is great for coming up with solutions, coming up with new ideas, problem solving, innovating, inventing, etc.), but when combined with a full moon it could bring a lot of overthinking, spending a lot of time up in our heads and less time in our bodies. The objective of Aquarius is to help us evolve (Aquarius is the humanitarian after all!) helping to create a better future that allows for more freedom, authenticity, and social change. Aquarius also understands group consciousness and the power in community very deeply, so think about what’s happening collectively within your community this week.

This full moon has the potential to bring about big change, and if you’ve been ignoring changes that need to take place or resisting the changes that are trying to take place, Aquarius will step in. Sometimes it takes a big shake up or sudden plot twist to realize that what falls away was never really meant for you. Surrender, stop the resistance, and go with the flow. Also know that you can pivot at any time, if things have not been working for you, or you felt stuck or like you’re repeating patterns, it might be time to change directions! You have agency over your own life experience. Liberate yourself from the thoughts and stories, habits and behaviors that keep you stuck, freeing yourself from those restraints and restrictions you place upon yourself.

Do your best to work yourself down from the over-thinking in the brain into the body today. Ground yourself either through getting your feet in some grass, intuitively move your body and dance around your home, connect with other humans in your community, or connect to a cause you care about and decide what you can do to help make a change. This could be a donation of your time, money, or a skill set, or as simple as educating yourself on a cause

Embrace your authenticity and your individuality, allowing the expression of your most authentic self. Sometimes this means really digging deep and determining if you have been operating from a false sense of self or from a place of true authenticity. Are you showing up as what society wants you to be? Or are you showing up as your true self? With so many planets retrograde, we may be feeling a little bit like the Hermit, where it’s a good time for introspection and self reflection. It’s okay to take some time for yourself today 🌝

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