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Mercury Retrograde

August 23 — September 15, in Virgo from 21°51’ — 8°00’

Mercury in its home sign of Virgo (mutable earth):

  • Changeable

  • Healing

  • Service

  • Analysis

  • Keen perception

  • Very precise

  • Organization and order

  • Refining, editing, making things better

  • Technician

  • Compassion

Can be:

  • Nitpicking

  • Perfectionist

  • Over thinking, very hard on self

  • Critical

Mercury Retrograde:

  • It’s a good time to pause and get organized

    • Finally do the chores and paperwork that you have been avoiding

  • Do some reflecting

    • Journal to get more clear on a path

  • A time to go within, internal processing

    • A time to absorb and process all of the things we have experienced over the last few months

    • Focus that attention inward

  • Learn the art of patience

    • Be prepared for the typical mercury retrograde shenanigans:

      • Miscommunications

      • Mental fogginess

      • Lost messages

      • Technology issues

      • Travel delays

      • Little frustrations

    • (mercury only brings small annoyances, mercury is the trickster!)

  • Redoing things that could use improvement, making them better

    • A good time for do-overs and edits

    • Refining things

  • Revisiting old projects or situations

    • During this time we will have a new perspective

  • Reorganizing our lives

    • Make a system that is more efficient and effective that fits better with your daily schedule

    • Improving your daily routines

  • Rest and restore

    • With 5 (soon to be 6) planets retrograde, things will definitely feel more slowed down

    • Take advantage of this time and allow yourself the time to rest and recharge

  • Rethink things

    • Ask yourself if certain things or situations are really worth your time

  • Reconnect with the earth and nature and ground yourself

    • Virgo is an earth sign after all!

    • Take some time to tend to your garden, sit with your back against a tree, or lay in some grass

  • Double check everything!

  • Sort through and clear out the clutter taking up space in your mind

    • Dusting away the useless information that takes up space, clearing away the cobwebs in the corners

  • Not a time to make any major decisions or commitments yet!

  • It’s also a good time to look at your habits and your daily routines and really reflect on if they are helping you move forward or wasting time

    • Reflect on your day today life and look at any areas that could be improved

© 2023 by Mackenzie Wollenzien. 

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