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Venus Retrograde

On July 22nd, Venus stations retrograde at 28°36’ Leo and will remain retrograde until September 3rd where she will station direct at 12°12’ Leo.

Venus represents our wants and our needs, our feelings of self-worth, what we want from social connections, and our ability to take in all of what life offers. When she stations retrograde, this is going to be a time of inner personal development, where we will be reassessing what our true needs are and what we truly value, asking if what we want is in alignment with what we need to make our lives feel more fulfilling. As we grow and evolve through life, it’s natural for our values to change as well, so this retrograde will be a time to go over what you have brought in and decide if those things are still meaningful for you.

This is also a good time to evaluate if you are attracting people or other things based on values that don’t reflect who you are anymore. Are you so caught up in society’s expectations and definitions of what is attractive or has value, that you’ve lost touch with your own values of what you truly want? Do you know what you want? When we deeply know ourselves, we also know what we want. Our heart’s desire can be like the compass that guides us back to ourselves, so when we know what we want, we know who we are. The purpose of this retrograde period is to guide you back to your heart, to help you get in touch with your truest desires, to help you discover what really matters to you.

When Venus retrogrades, this is an opportunity to reevaluate where you are in life, and how your values are reflected through your feelings of self-worth, your relationships, and other valuables. As you reassess your relationships, adjustments can then be made based off of what brings value to your life. So sometimes this can bring up old issues and can be a time to deal with issues from the past that have not been completed or resolved, taking care of any unfinished business before being able to move on. Then you can ask yourself if your relationships reflect your current level of self-worth. Are you attracting people or experiences to fill your personal needs? Or have you attracted relationships who fill space in your life but leave your heart feeling empty?

This is a time to really strip away the glamours society deems attractive, and look inside to find your true inner beauty. Apart from social norms, what do you want? What do you find valuable? Take time for yourself away from social pressures to really go within and deepen that relationship with yourself. It’s easy to get caught up in society’s expectations that we lose touch with our own values, so go easy on yourself. Use this time to begin to weed out those things in your life that no longer represent what you want and that no longer reflect your worth.

Really make the most out of this time to review and assess, look at your life and ask yourself if this is what you truly want? Does it still hold value for you? When she stations direct, things will be more clear. Remember, use this time to reevaluate, analyze, and review, really going within. It’s not a time to take action or make any final decisions as anything done during a retrograde will likely have to be gone over again.

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New Moon in Cancer 🦀

July 17 • 1:31pm CT • 24°56’

Cancer is the sign ruled by the moon, and is the sign of the home, family, safety, and security, with the desire for having or developing those deep roots. Home doesn’t necessarily mean a physical home, it can also be a feeling or with people. Around this new moon, you may find that you’re seeking out comfort wherever it can be found, and asking yourself who or what you go to for safety and support. Who do you feel you can go to when you are needing safety and comfort? Who or what brings you emotional safety and makes you feel seen, heard, and understood?

This is a great opportunity to check in with your emotions during this new moon, as we’re all likely to feel more sensitive. Are you allowing yourself to feel what you need to feel? Water needs to be able to move and flow, otherwise it gets stagnant and can become murky. Our emotions are like water where they need to flow too, so let the emotions come up to the surface and feel them without analysis or judgment. Feel them without giving them meaning. When we dishonor, suppress, or ignore our feelings, it’s like trying to build a damn in a river that just wants to flow. They’re going to come out one way or another, so make the most of this new moon energy and allow the emotions to flow.

We will be feeling extra sensitive this new moon, so be gentle with yourself, and be kind to yourself and nurture yourself. Make time for yourself today, whether that’s taking a bath or cooking yourself a nice meal. How can you best nurture yourself? Also use empathy, compassion, and understanding, because other people will be feeling sensitive today as well. This is a good time to pay attention to your home, giving your actual home a refresh to make yourself feel more comfortable and at home in your space. This could be clearing out the clutter, or doing an energetic cleanse.

Look to where you have 24°56’ Cancer in your natal chart, as this is the area of life you’ll want to set intentions around and is where you will find your safety, comfort and support today 🌊

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New Moon in Gemini

June 17 • 11:37pm CT • 26°43’

As the moon meets up with the sun in Gemini forming this months new moon, we are being invited to check in on any intentions we have set in the realm of communication, our thoughts, ongoing projects, and all of the things governed by Gemini. With that full moon in Sagittarius two weeks ago, we released our limiting beliefs we place on ourselves that kept us small, and with this new moon we’re checking in on the stories we tell ourselves. This is a great time to rewrite those stories or start to tell ourselves new stories altogether. Remember, you’re under no obligation to be the same person you were yesterday.

Gemini is one of the more misunderstood signs, it doesn’t represent the two sides of the personality (i.e. good twin vs. bad twin), but rather a reflection of the human personality and the spiritual self. This new moon will be highlighting the differences between the two selves, so this is a good time to reconnect and reestablish that connection to our spiritual self, deepening that relationship. The square to Neptune, the planet of dreams and illusion, brings a dreamlike quality where it could feel like there’s a veil over what’s truly there. If you feel lost or confused or like you’re not seeing things for how they truly are, come back to self and reconnect with yourself, and trust your own intuition and spiritual connection, trusting that your internal compass will help guide you.

We will not be feeling the most clear with this new moon, so just allow yourself to daydream a little and trust that you’ll start to get more clarity as the luminaries separate from Neptune. Allow yourself to just be, and be okay with not knowing what comes next. It’s a good day to do some visualization and daydreaming, or get creative and try painting, drawing, writing, poetry, dancing, gardening, singing, or whatever other mode of creative expression feels right for you. Moving that energy out and creating something beautiful in the process is a great way to utilize this energy✨

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