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New Moon in Cancer

New Moon in Cancer 🦀

July 17 • 1:31pm CT • 24°56’

Cancer is the sign ruled by the moon, and is the sign of the home, family, safety, and security, with the desire for having or developing those deep roots. Home doesn’t necessarily mean a physical home, it can also be a feeling or with people. Around this new moon, you may find that you’re seeking out comfort wherever it can be found, and asking yourself who or what you go to for safety and support. Who do you feel you can go to when you are needing safety and comfort? Who or what brings you emotional safety and makes you feel seen, heard, and understood?

This is a great opportunity to check in with your emotions during this new moon, as we’re all likely to feel more sensitive. Are you allowing yourself to feel what you need to feel? Water needs to be able to move and flow, otherwise it gets stagnant and can become murky. Our emotions are like water where they need to flow too, so let the emotions come up to the surface and feel them without analysis or judgment. Feel them without giving them meaning. When we dishonor, suppress, or ignore our feelings, it’s like trying to build a damn in a river that just wants to flow. They’re going to come out one way or another, so make the most of this new moon energy and allow the emotions to flow.

We will be feeling extra sensitive this new moon, so be gentle with yourself, and be kind to yourself and nurture yourself. Make time for yourself today, whether that’s taking a bath or cooking yourself a nice meal. How can you best nurture yourself? Also use empathy, compassion, and understanding, because other people will be feeling sensitive today as well. This is a good time to pay attention to your home, giving your actual home a refresh to make yourself feel more comfortable and at home in your space. This could be clearing out the clutter, or doing an energetic cleanse.

Look to where you have 24°56’ Cancer in your natal chart, as this is the area of life you’ll want to set intentions around and is where you will find your safety, comfort and support today 🌊

© 2023 by Mackenzie Wollenzien. 

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