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Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio

Full Moon in Scorpio 🦂

May 5 • 12:34pm CDT • 14°58’

This full moon has the potential to be a pretty intense one, as it is in the deep and transformational sign of Scorpio. This lunation is about releasing the past, letting go of old hurts, stories & patterns, and embracing the transformative and alchemizing energy of Scorpio, like the phoenix rising from the ashes.

Think back on what has come up for you since the Aries solar eclipse. You may have experienced secrets or truths being revealed in your life, as Scorpio likes to bring things out of the shadow into the light. Anything that has been avoiding being seen or has been buried, could be revealed in an unexpected way with the Sun conjunct Uranus. This revelation will be for your benefit though, to help you see things in their entirety, bringing more clarity to help get you ready for the next phase of life. Eclipses act like catalysts & acceleration moments, nudging (or shoving!!) us back onto our path.

Depending on where this eclipse is happening in your own chart, this could bring some unexpected awakenings or breakthroughs, & sometimes you have to break down to break through. This could illuminate ways that a deeper transformation needs to happen, potentially clearing a path for you and removing the obstacles in your way so that you can keep moving forward. Trust that everything is happening exactly as it should, and whatever is leaving is making room for new things that are even more aligned with the person you’re becoming.

Trust in this divine timing and try to avoid resisting or reacting. It’s okay if this full moon brings up strong emotions, just feel what you need to feel and then let it go. Remember we are being encouraged to grow & expand through these transits, and it’s all happening for our best interest 🤍

© 2023 by Mackenzie Wollenzien. 

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