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New Moon in Scorpio

New Moon in Scorpio 🦂 🦅

November 13 • 3:26am CT • 20°13'

After the intensity that was eclipse season, this New Moon in Scorpio is urging us to embrace the changes and transformations we've undergone recently.

  • New moons are great for intention setting as they signal new beginnings

  • Ask yourself, what have you been wanting to do for awhile but you just haven't put the energy into doing it yet?

  • This new moon will be particularly helpful for setting intentions to make long term changes that will allow you to live a more authentic life, and transform your life in a more intentional way.

  • Be open to new transformative opportunities and possibilities that present themselves, as this energy is very "expect the unexpected" so do your best to stay receptive

  • Some of Scorpio's themes have to do with overcoming self-limiting stories and beliefs, healing deep wounds from the past, and learning how to use our own power in constructive ways

Conjunct Mars 🔥

  • Mars in its home sign of Scorpio is incredibly strategic and excellent for long term planning and investment

  • Conjunct a new moon, Mars really energizes the regenerative aspect of Scorpio

    • We are being asked to take some sort of action, to have the courage to let go of something and reach for the next thing

  • Mars is what motivates us to go after the things that we want

    • If you have been feelings stuck, this energy provides a catalyst to help get things moving

  • This is not the time to wait for the universe to push you, this is the time to take aligned action and push yourself

    • The stars and planets don't make us do anything, we are the ones who make things happen here by tuning into that energy and flowing with it

Opposite Uranus ⚡️

  • Throwing Uranus into the mix brings the potential for some unpredictable energy, but it will nevertheless help us to breakdown and break through those walls and any blocks/limitations that we may have encountered recently

  • Uranus is the planet of un predictability, surprises, the planet touch shakes things up, but it is also the planet of inspiration, innovation, and new possibilities

  • Do your best to not luxuriate in the past as this energy is urging us to keep moving forward

  • This means stepping outside of your comfort zone and moving into new territory that supports your own growth and transformation

    • I like the snake, shedding its skin, sometimes you outgrow thoughts, people, or situations, and so you have to release those to move into a new space that supports your growth

How to best work with the energy

  • Set intentions for this new cycle in the area of life where you have 21° Scorpio

    • Get really specific and get a plan in place

    • Do research and strategize

  • Ground yourself

  • Connect with the water element

    • Take an Epsom salt, bath or shower

    • Epsom salt is great for grounding and clearing energy

    • Visualize the water cleansing your aura

  • Practice divination

    • Consult your tarot or oracle decks

  • Journal

    • Take time to really dig deep and figure out what it is that you truly want

      • Not what your friends want or what society wants or what your family wants, what do you want to make out of your life?

    • What is a habit that is holding you back or preventing you from growing and moving forward?

    • If there was one thing you would want to change in yourself, what might that be?

    • What is a small change you can make today that will get you closer to your goals?

As always, sending all the best energy,

Mystic Mackenzie

© 2023 by Mackenzie Wollenzien. 

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