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New Moon in Sagittarius

December 12th, 5:32pm CT, 20*40' Sagittarius

Today we have a New Moon in Sagittarius, bringing with it a feeling of hope. I don't know about you, but things have been feeling kind of bleak lately, so this energy brings with it something we all need right now.

  • It's important right now to look for hope, look to the positive changes that are happening, look to the people that are banding together to raise awareness and bring much-needed changes, and as always, continue to look to the helpers

  • Sagittarius is known for its optimism, so the energy might feel a little lighter today, maybe even a little buoyant 

  • This new moon brings with it an opportunity to peer into the future with a sense of hope and possibility; peeking through a door that opens to unexplored experiences you are yet to have in this life

    • With Sagittarius, it feels like anything is possible-we can go anywhere and do almost anything

  • With Mercury in Capricorn sextile Venus in Scorpio, this has a way of bringing those huge, big Sagittarian dreams and ambitions down to earth, almost like a little reality check.

    • It allows us to dream, but in a more practical way

    • This is a time to really ask yourself what it is that you truly want and what matters most to you

  • It's no coincidence that two weeks ago during the Gemini full moon, our thought patterns were illuminated and we were asked to release those unhelpful thoughts and stories we have about ourselves and to change our perceptions 

  • With Sagittarius, this is all about our beliefs

    • A belief is just a thought or story you've told yourself over and over and over, and it gained traction until you believed it to be true, and these beliefs we have about ourselves, other people, and the world can be helpful or harmful.

    • So with this new moon, it gives us the opportunity to rewrite and replace those limiting beliefs with expansive beliefs 

      • Where do these limiting beliefs come from? Are they true? If not, why do you still listen to them?

      • The first step is in the noticing of what they are, catching them, and then replacing them with a belief that is more helpful 

      • You might not believe these new thoughts at first, but when you think a thought over and over and over and over and over, it slowly becomes a belief

    • This is how we retrain and rewire the brain!

  • Mars is in a loose conjunction to this new moon, energizing it, urging us to take action on the things that we deeply care about and believe in. 

    • Whether that means looking into resources that are available, joining organizations, writing/calling your representatives, getting involved, speaking out 🍉

    • The key is taking action! Don't just sit and think about it.

  • The Square to Neptune can make things feel a little foggy or uncertain, like maybe we have the dream, but we don't really know what the outcome could be of that or where we're going

    • The idea here is to just take that first step into the unknown

    • Sagittarius is known for its leaps of faith, and that's exactly what we need to do in order to go after our dreams

  • With Mercury stationing retrograde just 8 hours after this new moon, this is a good time to go into planning mode.

    • Set those new moon intentions today, then during this 2 week retrograde period, it will be a good time to introspect and create a game plan for these next 6 months

      • How are you going to take action on those intentions?

      • How are you planning and wanting to get involved?

  • A lot of times, when Mercury is retrograde, we feel like hibernating and slowing down

    • But we are not going into hibernation to avoid our dreams and hopes for the future, but instead, to use this time to rest and plan in order to build up that hope and strength as we enter 2024.

  • Remember, keep holding on to hope ❤️💚🤍🖤

Sagittarius New Moon Theme: (check rising)

  • aries: higher education, travel, philosophy, beliefs

  • taurus: transformation, alchemy, healing, joint resources

  • gemini: contracts & agreements, collaborations, 1:1 relations

  • cancer: work, health, service, daily routines & rituals

  • leo: creative self expression, romance, inner child

  • virgo: home, family, roots, ancestors, emotions

  • libra: communication, local community, siblings

  • scorpio: values, self worth, $$, all forms of security

  • sagittarius: sense of self, physical body, personal desires

  • capricorn: spiritual healing, subconscious, dreams

  • aquarius: networks, communities, hopes, aspirations, friends

  • pisces: higher calling, public image, reputation

© 2023 by Mackenzie Wollenzien. 

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