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Lunar Eclipse in Taurus

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus

October 28 • 3:24pm CT • 5°09'

If you've been feeling the intensity in the air, heaviness and like you feel ~something~ but you're not sure what, you're not alone! There's a full moon lunar eclipse happening today along with some other big transits contributing to the "wait and see" energy. This full moon lunar eclipse will be the last eclipse of the year, and also the last eclipse in the Taurus/Scorpio nodal axis that began back in November 2021. So because of this, the eclipse will be closing out a couple of cycles, particularly in the area of life where you have Taurus-Scorpio. Keep in mind if you aren't where this eclipse is visible to treat it as a super potent full moon. Also note that a lunar eclipse like this has been building up for time, and the results of what is being revealed now will be felt for months (or even years) to come.

You can expect things to be revealed and illuminated over these next couple of days, and there might be some endings and closure on things as well. Always keep in mind though that when one chapter ends, another one is beginning. Eclipses tend to bring endings and beginnings, and they are definitely not something you want to resist. We are in a process of transformation, growth, and evolution, and this eclipse offers us an opportunity to release our unhealthy attachments, unhelpful stories about ourself related to our self worth, and leaving the past in the past (where it belongs!).

We are being asked to keep moving into the unknown, only looking back as a reference for how far we have come and how much we've grown. Lean into the discomfort and trust that what is leaving your life or is being illuminated is meant to gently nudge you back onto your path. Give yourself some grace during this time, know that it's okay if you need time to adjust to the changes taking place, just take things one step at a time, knowing that it will be worth it in the long run.

Listen to that fire inside, what is lighting you up? What is your intuition telling you? What makes you feel proud of yourself? These are sure signs that you are getting closer to your authentic self. Pay attention to any themes that are illuminated today as they are granting you the opportunity to close out a cycle.

With mercury conjunct mars in Scorpio opposing Jupiter in Taurus, this adds to the intensity this weekend. Thoughts and words might be moving quick and people might be saying things without thinking, biting with the scorpion sting. People will probably be feeling more bold as well, so be extra aware of your surroundings. Emotions will definitely be heightened this weekend so maybe save the "we need to talk" type of conversations for a later (less intense) day.

Things might feel like a bit overwhelming today, so do your favorite grounding techniques. Anything that utilizes the senses, lighting some incense, getting outside and touching grass, taking a salt bath, listening to music, dancing, laughing, crying, or do a cleansing and releasing ritual. It could also be beneficial to reflect back on how much you've grown in the area of life where you have Taurus-Scorpio over these last two years. Look back in old journals or pictures and take a moment to really bask in the gratitude for how much you've grown.

As always, sending you all the best energy,

Mystic/Astro Mack


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