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Mars Sextile Uranus

Mars Sextile Uranus in Taurus

This aspect today is a liberating energy, bringing the inspiration and drive that helps us to embrace the change that has probably come up for you during this Eclipse season already. This is great energy to make some changes because they will more than likely happen quickly, just be sure you’re not acting *too* impulsively.

With Mars in the watery sign of Cancer, we’ve all been feeling a little more emotional lately. Emotions come and go, much like the tide, ebbing and flowing, so just be sure this change is coming from your intuition, not from an emotional reaction. This aspect can bring up some stuff, making us feel a bit wired today, so just be sure to move your body and ground more, and make decisions from that grounded energy.

We’ll feel a little extra boost today, feeling more inspired and motivated, granting us the energy to take on projects or other tasks that you may have been putting on the back burner for awhile. This energy gives us the ability to break through any barriers or obstacles (sometimes it’s ourself that gets in our own way), and get innovative, able to see things from a different perspective. Do something today that gets you outside of your comfort zone, you never know who you could meet or what you might stumble upon!

This is a highly energetic day, bringing with it the ability to shake up some of the stagnant energy we might still be carrying from winter. Collectively, people might be acting unusual or unpredictable today, so be sure to check both ways before you cross the street 💃🏼


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