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New Moon in Taurus

Updated: Jun 19, 2023

New Moon in Taurus 🐂

May 19 • 10:52am CDT • 28°25’

This new moon in Taurus brings a brief reprieve from the chaos of what the energy has been, like a nice breath of fresh air. With all of the Taurus energy in the sky right now (5 planets to be exact!!), we may have been feeling a little bit less than motivated lately, and the area of life where we have Taurus has been getting a majority of our energy and attention. Something may have felt like it’s been brewing in that area of life where you have Taurus (an idea, a passion, an opportunity, etc.), and with the sextile to Mars and Neptune, you might start to feel inspired to take some action on these things that have been brewing for awhile.

A big thing that tends to come along with so much Taurus energy is just needing to get the ball rolling, building up some momentum, so this new moon would be good for setting intentions around building that momentum towards whatever has been brewing. Sometimes this can be triggered by an outside event, other times it comes from within and you just get sick of repeating patterns or feeling “stuck” (it’s important to remember we’re never actually stuck though, we’re always learning and gathering experiences in whatever stage of life we’re in, even in those moments where we can feel like we’re not moving forward).

This lunation is good for actually taking action, if you want stability and abundance and to feel safe and secure in life, sometimes we have to sort and sift through the things that are taking up unnecessary space in our lives. What does your sense of security look or feel like? Sometimes this can bring up feelings of insecurity, and that’s okay. The moon is just illuminating what it is we need to see within ourselves, try not to shy away from it. This new moon will give us some grounded clarity about moving forward into that next step. It’s not like you have to jump from A to Z, but what is the next step you can take? If you’re unsure, sometimes listening to or moving your body can help you get a little bit more clarity and move some of that stuck feeling energy, helping to get that ball rolling.

With Gemini season arriving just a couple of days after this new moon, it’s also a good time to set the intention to make space for yourself to just breathe. When was the last time you took a long, deep breath and just allowed yourself that time to breathe? Clarity on your next step comes from these moments of stillness, and it’s important to remember to incorporate these moments into our everyday life, which can sometimes feel more difficult when we want to be doing all the things. It’s okay to slow down sometimes and luxuriate in your senses and just be in nature. Today is a great day to do just that, get your feet in some grass and hug a tree, thank the earth for all she provides.

Be patient with yourself over these next weeks and realize those ideas and intuitive hits have not been planted in your mind for no reason. Let yourself experience life a little bit more and be bold and take that next step. You never know what doors could be opened next 💡


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