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New Moon in Virgo

September 14 • 8:39pm CT • 21°58'

New moons signal new beginnings, where the seed is freshly planted into the ground, and with Mercury stationing direct tomorrow, who wouldn't love a new beginning? With so many planets still retrograde, we're still in a more reflective time, but getting prepared to move forward.

Virgo encourages us to prioritize our health (body, mind, & spirit), look at our daily routines and habits, our work life, and where we can be of service/help. This is a great time to start a new routine that supports your health in someway, switch up your daily routines, learn new skills, declutter and organize your life, start a new project, etc.

This new moon energy also brings with it a very healing energy, Virgo is the healer after all. Over these last few weeks of mercury retrograde, reflect on what has surfaced for you. Ask yourself how you can use these experiences to grow and improve your life moving forward. What new insights have you gained over these last few weeks?

With the new moon trine Uranus, we might get sudden insights or new opportunities making themselves known. We are being urged to step out of our usual comfort zones, into unfamiliar territory, where we are being introduced to new perspectives, open doors, and new possibilities. Be open to whatever pops up, as it could lead you down new and unexpected paths!

Virgo Energy:

  • Structure

  • Systems

  • Smooth processing

  • Perceptive

  • Observant

  • Healing!!!

    • Accepting what has surfaced

    • How can we use these experiences to grow and improve

    • What insights have you gained

  • Go within, find your wisdom within

  • Embrace the slowness before eclipse season

Trine Uranus:

  • Awakenings

  • New unexpected opportunities

  • Shake ups

  • Be open to whatever pops up, it could be things that you least expect

Opposite Neptune:

  • Magical

  • Intuition

  • Lean into

What to do:

  • Daily rituals

  • Be helpful

  • Do something that makes you feel useful

  • Tidy up and clean

  • Organize and declutter

  • Plant herbs

  • Nourish mind body spirit

  • What do you desire day to day

© 2023 by Mackenzie Wollenzien. 

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