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Updated: Jun 19, 2023

Full Moon in Sagittarius 🏹

June 3 • 13°18’ • 10:41pm CDT

Tonight there is a Full Moon in the abundant and expansive sign of Sagittarius, bringing a feeling of optimism to the next couple of days and weeks. Sagittarius is known for its sense of adventure with a thirst for knowledge, so this full moon asks us to open our minds and broaden our horizons, and really urges us to get out of our comfort zones. Pay attention to any doors that open today or tomorrow, as we are being urged to move through those. It might feel scary to do something new, but growth is not something that is meant to be easy. With every new experience and adventure and every time you take yourself out of your comfort zone, it’s going to feel a little bit scary, but remember you will always learn something new about the world and yourself in the process.

This full moon is also about exploring and freedom and experiential learning, Sagittarius is all about doing things for the experience of it and learns best through experiencing things firsthand. So really try to experience the moment as you know it as fully as possible. Open your mind, absorb new information, take the time to understand it and integrate it, and the best way to learn new things is to go out and do it. With Sagittarius’s ruler Jupiter conjunct the north node during this full moon, this is really about creating opportunities for yourself to embark on your next adventure. No matter where you are in your journey right now though, just know you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be.

This full moon will be shining a light on our beliefs as well, urging us to examine what beliefs we want to release that may not be helpful. Sagittarius is all about freedom and independence and a lot of times it’s our own beliefs that tend to hold us back, so this is about breaking free from those limiting self beliefs. Reflect on what it is that you truly believe, not what your friends and family believe or what you’ve been taught to believe, but what you truly believe. As we move through life, our beliefs constantly evolve and change as we grow and evolve, so it’s important to check in with them. Which beliefs are helpful and propel you forward and which beliefs hold you back and keep you small? Again, this goes back to pushing yourself out of your comfort zone!

So go out and experience something that you want to learn, open your mind, and look at things from a new perspective. Take yourself on an adventure and explore new places and new ways of thinking. Release outdated beliefs that no longer resonate and replace them with new and improved beliefs. This full moon will be illuminating our truth and authenticity, so keep your eyes open and focused on those windows of opportunity!

To know which area of life this full moon will be affecting, look to your rising sign or the house you have 13°18 Sagittarius:

Aries Rising (or 9th house):

  • Higher education

  • Long distance travel

  • Adventures

  • Expanding experiences

  • Philosophy on life

  • Religious or spiritual beliefs

Taurus Rising (or 8th house):

  • Joint resources

  • Inheritances

  • Deep healing

  • Transformations

  • Alchemy

  • Intimacy

Gemini Rising (or 7th house):

  • Contractual relationships

  • Commitments and obligations

  • Contracts and negotiations

  • Spouse, best friends, business partners, clients

Cancer Rising (or 6th house):

  • Work and day job

  • Health & wellness, fitness

  • Daily routines and habits

  • Being of service

Leo Rising (or 5th house):

  • Creativity

  • Self expression

  • Dating & romance

  • Inner child healing

  • Spending time with children

  • Have some fun!

Virgo Rising (or 4th house):

  • Your roots & foundation of emotional development

  • Family and ancestors

  • Your physical home

  • Decorating or moving

Libra Rising (or 3rd house):

  • Communication

  • Spending time with friends

  • Road trips

  • Local neighborhood

  • Writing

  • Photography

  • Exploring your local area

Scorpio Rising (or 2nd house):

  • Values

  • How we find security & feel secure

  • How we bring in $

  • Real love

  • Self love & self worth

Sagittarius Rising (or 1st house):

  • Self image or identity

  • Appearance and physical body

  • How you put yourself out there in the world

  • Allowing yourself to be seen more

  • New understanding of yourself

Capricorn Rising (or 12th house):

  • Spiritual healing

  • Illuminating subconscious beliefs or issues

  • Freeing self from limiting self beliefs

  • Feeling more emotional or sensitive

  • Know that whatever comes up to be released will bring deep healing

Aquarius Rising (or 11th house):

  • Groups and communities

  • Acquaintances and larger friend group

  • Community action & organizing

  • Hopes, dreams, & aspirations

  • Feeling more inspired to explore

Pisces Rising (or 10th house):

  • Public image and reputation

  • Your higher calling

  • Getting recognized

  • Being called on to be a leader or teacher in your field

  • Allow yourself to be seen and heard!

Be sure to take in all the good energy this full moon brings, happy exploring! 🔥

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Updated: Jun 19, 2023

New Moon in Taurus 🐂

May 19 • 10:52am CDT • 28°25’

This new moon in Taurus brings a brief reprieve from the chaos of what the energy has been, like a nice breath of fresh air. With all of the Taurus energy in the sky right now (5 planets to be exact!!), we may have been feeling a little bit less than motivated lately, and the area of life where we have Taurus has been getting a majority of our energy and attention. Something may have felt like it’s been brewing in that area of life where you have Taurus (an idea, a passion, an opportunity, etc.), and with the sextile to Mars and Neptune, you might start to feel inspired to take some action on these things that have been brewing for awhile.

A big thing that tends to come along with so much Taurus energy is just needing to get the ball rolling, building up some momentum, so this new moon would be good for setting intentions around building that momentum towards whatever has been brewing. Sometimes this can be triggered by an outside event, other times it comes from within and you just get sick of repeating patterns or feeling “stuck” (it’s important to remember we’re never actually stuck though, we’re always learning and gathering experiences in whatever stage of life we’re in, even in those moments where we can feel like we’re not moving forward).

This lunation is good for actually taking action, if you want stability and abundance and to feel safe and secure in life, sometimes we have to sort and sift through the things that are taking up unnecessary space in our lives. What does your sense of security look or feel like? Sometimes this can bring up feelings of insecurity, and that’s okay. The moon is just illuminating what it is we need to see within ourselves, try not to shy away from it. This new moon will give us some grounded clarity about moving forward into that next step. It’s not like you have to jump from A to Z, but what is the next step you can take? If you’re unsure, sometimes listening to or moving your body can help you get a little bit more clarity and move some of that stuck feeling energy, helping to get that ball rolling.

With Gemini season arriving just a couple of days after this new moon, it’s also a good time to set the intention to make space for yourself to just breathe. When was the last time you took a long, deep breath and just allowed yourself that time to breathe? Clarity on your next step comes from these moments of stillness, and it’s important to remember to incorporate these moments into our everyday life, which can sometimes feel more difficult when we want to be doing all the things. It’s okay to slow down sometimes and luxuriate in your senses and just be in nature. Today is a great day to do just that, get your feet in some grass and hug a tree, thank the earth for all she provides.

Be patient with yourself over these next weeks and realize those ideas and intuitive hits have not been planted in your mind for no reason. Let yourself experience life a little bit more and be bold and take that next step. You never know what doors could be opened next 💡

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Full Moon in Scorpio 🦂

May 5 • 12:34pm CDT • 14°58’

This full moon has the potential to be a pretty intense one, as it is in the deep and transformational sign of Scorpio. This lunation is about releasing the past, letting go of old hurts, stories & patterns, and embracing the transformative and alchemizing energy of Scorpio, like the phoenix rising from the ashes.

Think back on what has come up for you since the Aries solar eclipse. You may have experienced secrets or truths being revealed in your life, as Scorpio likes to bring things out of the shadow into the light. Anything that has been avoiding being seen or has been buried, could be revealed in an unexpected way with the Sun conjunct Uranus. This revelation will be for your benefit though, to help you see things in their entirety, bringing more clarity to help get you ready for the next phase of life. Eclipses act like catalysts & acceleration moments, nudging (or shoving!!) us back onto our path.

Depending on where this eclipse is happening in your own chart, this could bring some unexpected awakenings or breakthroughs, & sometimes you have to break down to break through. This could illuminate ways that a deeper transformation needs to happen, potentially clearing a path for you and removing the obstacles in your way so that you can keep moving forward. Trust that everything is happening exactly as it should, and whatever is leaving is making room for new things that are even more aligned with the person you’re becoming.

Trust in this divine timing and try to avoid resisting or reacting. It’s okay if this full moon brings up strong emotions, just feel what you need to feel and then let it go. Remember we are being encouraged to grow & expand through these transits, and it’s all happening for our best interest 🤍

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